Monday, December 5, 2011

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup


Whole 6-8lb chicken (Used originally as roasted chicken. Use leftovers for soup.)
Submerge the chicken carcus in an 8 quarts pot with water, 3-4 carrots, 2 celery stalks, and one large onion. All vegetables chopped roughly. Use 1 tbs of salt and pepper add a bunch of rosemary and thyme (preferably bundled to easily remove later on)
Cook the carcus for about and hour and strain to retain stock.

2 celery stalks
3-4 carrots
1 medium sized onion
Chicken breast (chopped)
4 quarts of chicken stock
1/2 package of egg noodles

Add the stock, chicken, and finely chopped vegetables to a large pot.
Season with S&P and a tablespoon of EVOO
Bring to a boil and turn to simmer until vegetables are cooked through
Last 5 minutes add egg noodles to your liking.
Add homemade garlic bread and parmesan cheese for extra flavor.
Makes 4 servings.

Great for a cold winter night!

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